Most of our organisations, economies, societies and their institutions are not good; they are largely hierarchical, undemocratic and oppressive, create and maintain massive inequalities, treat people unfairly and unjustly, and are unsustainable. And most of this is institutionalised and realised systemically, comprehensively and thoroughly in and via norms and values, structures and processes, laws and regulations, our cultures, habits, the way(s) we organise and manage work and conduct our lives.
But we must, and can, do better!
We can have democratic institutions, organisations and societies where all people are as free as possible, treated equally, fairly and justly; where systems and processes are legitimate, robust and sustainable; and where work and live is good – for everyone. People deserve it. If we are serious about the idea that individuals ought to be free and be treated decently, and ought to live and work under conditions and within institutions that appreciate and protect their fundamental and inalienable rights, and if we are serious about the universal principles and values of freedom, democracy, equality, justice and sustainability, and the idea that each and every social system (be it a group, organisation, network, nation-state or humankind) must adhere to those principles, then we must replace the prevailing orthodox, hierarchical, anti-democratic, oppressive, unfair, and unjust types of organisations and societies with fully fledged democratic institutions – and yes, we can do it!
I'd be more than happy to contribute to the improvement of our organisations, institutions and society, e.g. by doing consultancy work, giving speeches, lectures, seminars and/or conducting workshops in regard to:
- Democratisation of society and societal institutions, developing economic democracy and civil society / civil democracy;
- Establishment and management of democratic organisations, strengthening of organisational democracy / democratic governance and management;
- Liberation, empowerment and participation of people, conducting citizenship behaviour;
- Achieving (more) freedom, democracy, equality, justice and sustainability.